Thursday, September 10

Buy Introduction To Hacking - Beginner's Kit v1.0

Introduction To Hacking - Beginner's Kit v1.0

This Hacking - Beginner's Kit v1.0 contains softwares as well as tutorials for learning Hacking from the basics. If you buy and refer this kit, i can assure you that you will be a almost ready to learn advanced hacking techniques. Below is the list of contents in the kit -


- Port Scanner
- Keyloggers
- Batch Viruses
- Basic Rootkit
- Bat to Exe Converter
- Email Hacker
- File Binder
- Google Hacker
- Proxy Changer
- FUD Virus
- IP Stealer
- NetBIOS Scanner
- AnonySurf
- Pinger
- Trojans
- Crypters


- Introduction to Hacking
- Basic of Hacking
- Intro to Ethical Hacking
- Hacking Skills
- Hacking Facebook Account
- Hack Windows XP/Vista/7 Login
- NetBIOS Hacking
- Phishing
- Telnet
- Computer Viruses
- Firewall Intro
- Google hacking
- Intro to Internet
- Intro to Servers

Price: Rs. 699
To Buy, click on this link - Introduction To Hacking - Beginner's Kit v1.0

Share you feedback about this kit in the comments below.

Sunday, October 20

Free Gprs in Airtel after a year : 2013

Good News!
Its a Diwali Offer for all Airtel users from nAuthority. More offers coming soon,..

Airtel users now can use internet and surf sites like forums, Google, and many more for free.. I personally have tried and am using it since 2 days.

Sunday, September 22

Famous Anonymous Hacker Group AnonGhost is Closed

AnonGhost is Closed


Well, you might be knowing about the famous anonymous hacker group AnonGhost that fights against Israel and against the countries that supports Israel.